
This is the portal of the E2E community to connect more with the environment and be within all the guidelines passed by the Company that contemplate its performance.


Decarbonization within the Coca-Cola system is already a reality. The goal is to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 25% by 2030 from 2015 levels. To assist in the work of GHG reduction, The Coca-Cola Company provides a guide that teaches you to understand the key drivers of these emissions throughout the supply chain: ingredients, packaging, manufacturing, distribution and refrigeration. In a detailed manner, the document presents science-based goals, solutions, best practices, and teaches how to quantify the carbon emissions generated.

Introduction Sustainability

Introduction Sustainability

Introduction on the subject, where the Sustainability Strategy was presented, in the calls of the regional community of July/21.

Sustainability in the Refrigerator Area

Sustainability in the Refrigerator Area

Deepening of the context of sustainability in Latin America carried out through a training, Climate Introduction Training, which focused on the impacts of the EDF area on the environment, in the Latam community called August/21:

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