My User

Here is your space, reserved for your individual materials, files and documents, set up from the Bottler for the Bottler

User's Forms

On this forms you can upload some files in the website when necessary. Eg.: Dashboard Templates, Evidences for the Diagnosis, Suppliers' Evaluation forms, etc.

User Form

Feedback E2E

We are always trying to map improvements for the E2E Coolers project. The constant search makes part of the program evolution and for that the critics, comments and suggestions from the people who have contact on a daily basis with the processes in the CDE area are essential. That's why we reserved this space for your comments about the E2E processes.

To help us improve, please give your feedback clicking the following link:

E2E Feedback

Engagement Matrix

The engagement matrix in the E2E Program represents the commitment of the Bottlers with the implementation routines, ensuring the punctuality and quality. It is measured monthly in an acumulative format, making it possible to increase or change your results during the year.

If you want to check how is your context, access the following link:

Engagement Matrix

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