
Africa has a 5.7% reduction in zero sales in the last quarter

Q3 Dashboard presents new community operational data

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The African community can now check the updated operational data for the last three months. Among the highlights, the reduction of 5.7 in the reported zero-sales indicator, this equates to approximately 43,000 fewer unproductive coolers compared to the previous quarter. In contrast, 14 thousand more doors were inserted in the market than in the Q2 Dashboard period.

In the same period, of the coolers negotiated with suppliers, 89% have already reached the bottlers. Another highlight is that 83% of the coolers on the market are validated, a good part of this achievement is due to the traceability of the VTRAC system. There is also an estimated increase of 5 million UCs sold, due to the net placement of coolers obtained.

As for cooler placements, the accumulation since the beginning of the year has reached 35,000.

The E2E team appreciates and thanks the participation and commitment of the African community. This and other information can be leveraged to efficiently establish process, market, and customer management. Check it all out on the Q3 Dashboard!

E2E Team
