E2E Books

Each year the E2E program becomes tangible in the form of a book, where all the built material comes together in a single content that is distributed to bottlers and others involved. The book brings together the whole concept, structure and planning of the program, history in images, diagnosis and indicators / capabilities of each module, savings calculations in various themes, glossary and an appendix with consultation materials that reflect various processes described in the diagnosis and that were built to serve as an example.

Below you can find all the books already published from E2E Coolers.

Book 2020/2021

Book 2020/2021

Version 4.0/4.1/4.2 had its first version released in 2022 and will run until 2021. The focus of the mentioned book is on profitability and connectivity, being built by 44 bottlers and the first to involve the LATAM community!​

Book 2022

Book 2022

The book of version 5.0 is focused on the themes of "Sustainability" and "Innovation". It was built with the participation of 64 bottlers and has 133 pages, released in 2022, being the largest book of the program so far and involving the LATAM and AFRICA OUs.​

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